Monday, December 26, 2011

End Of 2011


Assalamualaikum, apa kbar dunia beserta penghuuninya?

huu..yeay! here is updated blog from me!

princess ru da sudah, no bicara2 hati anymore! hik2

here, i wish n will story bout mylife..

its secret only between u n me! promise?


mcm2 nak story sni..herm, sweet n sour of my memories..

this month, it was a lots of sweet memories!

unexpected! juz becoz of excited n high n my lovely friend got experience drive the penang ferry!! hohoho ;D

here is our memorable pictures that paint 1000 words...! hehehe

 TERUJA! seram sejuk tp cuba utk cool kan diri ;P

ME N LIA ! so exciting can pass through the room of capten!


setelah bersuka ria dan bersyukur dapat naik bahagian atas ferry ni, kami pun terus turun selepas mengucapkan bebanyak trima KASIH pada nahkhoda ferry then snap a pict dgn muka gumbira! haha 

belakang tu tau x pintu apa?? heehe,,pintu TOILET lah! haha

JENG JENG,, nak sampai penang dah,,,!! sikit lagi,,

at last setelah bepenat berdiri lama dlm bus rapid penang berjam2,,akhirnya kami sampai jugak ke destinasi batu feringgi!! huu yeayy! syukur ya Allah,, sangat2 cantik dan tenang.......

berkelah di tepi pantai smbil makan2.., thats all from me..have a nicee holiday! end of 2011 give me a lots of sweet memories ever! alhamdulillah..

till then i will continue my story, wait for ya! tata, take care and  assalamualaikum! ;D

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